
IN THE KNOW 26: Advanced Simulation for Sustainable Shipping

Illustration courtesy of ABS

Published May 18, 2021 10:37 AM by The Maritime Executive

Advanced multi-physics simulation tools are changing the way that ships are designed, tested and classed, according to Patrick Ryan, SVP Global Engineering and Technology for ABS. 

Multi-physics simulation taps the capabilities of multiple disciplines of engineering, including control system analysis, power distribution systems, finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics. By integrating these disparate tools into one environment, advanced simulation can predict and evaluate the performance of a complex system, even before the first prototype is built. This has the potential to reduce cost and speed up development for advanced shipboard technology - including the much-needed technology for low carbon shipping.

The Maritime Executive recently spoke with Patrick Ryan to learn more about the potential of advanced simulation for the maritime sector. For more details, listen in on the conversation below. 

This content is sponsored by ABS. 

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.