
Air France KLM - Dedicated to the Global Energy and Maritime Industry

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Published Sep 26, 2016 1:42 PM by The Maritime Executive

For years, Air France and KLM have been highly dedicated to the global maritime industry, with focus on seamans travel. Special attention and development of solutions that have supported the marine crewing industry have put Air France KLM in to its leading global position.

In recent years these specialist concepts have been expanded to also cover specialist travel to offshore installations within the oil and gas industry. 

As a new initiative and general recognition that alternative renewable energy projects are increasingly going to play an important role on the future energy scene, Air France KLM has now expanded their eligibility of travel, besides OIL & GAS, to cover the following business segments, under one tag: “Green Energy” for the following category of projects:

• Solar

• Wave Power

• Biomass

• Wind

• Hydro

• Geothermal

Not only for OFFSHORE projects, but also ONSHORE, with eligibility for technical and duty travelers following a simple set of rules. It is important to note, that this eligibility also cover sub-contractors.

So what makes these fares so special, set aside that they are rather competitive on the pricing and only distributed through specialist travel agencies, such as ATPI Griffinstone, the tickets are available as ONE WAY, FULLY FLEXIBLE, FULLY REFUNDABLE, EXPANDED LUGGAGE ALLOWANCE, in other words, a specialist ticket that allows for a greater level of easy planning for the traveler and high priority from the airline.

Come and see us at the ATPI Griffinstone / Air France stand 0400 at the Danish Maritime Fair from October 25th – 27th, in Copenhagen, Denmark and learn more about these specialist products available through ATPI Griffinstone. AIR FRANCE KLM is chosen as official Exhibition Airline by the Danish Maritime Fair organizers.

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.