
Video: Cargo Ship Transporting Cars from Dubai Catches Fire

fire on cargo vessel in Dubai
Vessel was loading cars to be transported from Dubai to Yemen when the fire broke out

Published Jul 1, 2022 3:31 PM by The Maritime Executive

[Brief] Video surfaced online showing a fire that broke out Tuesday, June 28 while a vessel was docked in Dubai loading cars. Reports indicate that the 800 ton vessel, the Faiz Gose Mohyuddin, was docked in Dubai loading cars for shipment to Yemen. It was expected to arrive at the port of Nashtun, Yemen at the end of this week.

The ship was scheduled to depart the UAE on June 29. Unconfirmed reports said it was carrying as many as 195 cars, including Mercedes and Audi as well as possibly Ferrari that had been sold to a Yemeni merchant.  



Fourteen crewmembers working aboard the vessel were able to escape the fire but failed in their efforts to extinguish it before it spread to engulf the vessel. Other ships in the harbor as well as firefighters tried to assist in extinguishing the fire which appears to have burned for hours.

The vessel and its cargo are reported to be a total loss. Media reports are indicating that the vessel was owned by an Indian business and concerns were being raised because it was the Bhaya family’s second vessel to be destroyed by fire in a matter of days.