
Ferry Crew Rescues Three-Year-Old Girl Adrift Off Greece

Double-ended ferry on the Rio-Antirrio line (Rio Antirrio Ferries)

Published Aug 25, 2020 9:32 PM by The Maritime Executive

[Brief] On Monday, a ferry rescued a young girl who was adrift on an inflatable pool toy in the Gulf of Patras, off Antirrio, Greece.

The three-year-old child was playing in the water with her father at a beach when the inflatable drifted away with the wind and current. Bystanders made an attempt to rescue her but were unable to catch up, and they called the local harbormaster for help. 

Maritime officials put out a call to nearby vessels, and it was answered by the ro/pax ferry Salaminomachos, which serves the popular route between Antirrio and Rio. The ferry pulled slowly alongside the inflatable and lowered her bow ramp, and the crew pulled the child and the toy on board without harm. 

The ferry's master, Capt. Grigoris Karnesis, told local media that he was grateful for the calm surface conditions, which made the rescue easier. 

A video of the incident has gone viral, and the parents have attracted criticism on social media for their involvement in the circumstances leading up to the incident. However, regional paper Peloponnese reports that the parents and bystanders at the beach made extensive efforts at a rescue, including chasing after with a boat.