
IGGS Group Announces its Most Ambitious Online Event of 2020


Published Oct 14, 2020 12:52 PM by IGGS Group

2020 has brought many changes to the maritime industry. First, it is the year in which the IMO 2020 regulations came into effect. Second, it is the year of the pandemic – something that has changed the maritime industry and the way its business is conducted.

However, one thing has not changed – the need to work together to innovate, to make ships compliant, to adapt to the changing world and to overcome challenges.

For this reason, the proven maritime networking expert – IGGS Group – is announcing its most ambitious maritime event for 2020, The Global Maritime Conference Online. Shipowners, ship managers, ship builders, government bodies, classification societies, ports, manufacturers and technology companies are joining this truly exceptional event.

With this event, the IGGS Group is willing to embody one of its core beliefs – “only together the maritime industry can move forward.” So to all maritime stakeholders – click the link below and get all the necessary information for this essential conference.

Official website: https://globalmaritimeconference.com/

Official hashtags: #globalmaritimeconference #maritimetogether

Dates: 1300 CET, December 8-9, 2020

This post is sponsored by IGGS Group.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.