
Summer Edition of 6degrees

Published Jan 20, 2011 11:30 AM by The Maritime Executive

The summer edition of 6degrees, the e-journal from the International Dynamic Positioning Operators Association.

In this issue – we look at how common courtesy and respect can actually make a difference to operations, we tackle the rather troubling fact that so many DP trainees can't even complete their logbooks correctly and Bibby Ship Management look at competency issues and of their new system to manage and assess their crews. There’s no getting away from the legal issues of DP and in this issue we welcome an article from specialist lawyers in the States who have first-hand experience of the problems facing those working offshore. There is also the small matter of DP now being specifically included within STCW!

It has been a really landmark few months since the last issue of 6degrees – we spoke at the European DP Conference (see our feedback inside), and we also proudly took our place on DP-TEG...so we now truly do provide a representative voice into the industry. We also look at the success of the International DP Excellence Awards, as well as offering details of some of the latest and best DP jobs around.