
Seasonal Cheer: A Harbinger of Better Things to Come?

Published Jan 6, 2011 11:26 AM by The Maritime Executive

Idle thoughts by Editor in Chief Joseph Keefe as we launch into the holiday season.

It isn’t always easy to produce a weekly column (in addition to the print editions) for this e-newsletter, but lately, I haven’t had too much trouble finding material to sound off on. For example, as we anxiously eye the looming Thanksgiving holiday, we can also note that it is Day 309 of The MARAD Administrator Watch: America’s Waterfront Held Hostage. Or, perhaps, I should weigh in on the futility of still another state-level, balkanized ballast water standard due to be imposed (in Wisconsin, this time), despite the long-awaited Coast Guard standard which will likely be approved as is in the not-too-distant future. Alternatively, I could also unveil my brilliant plan to DOT Secretary LaHood on how to solve the Highway Trust Fund Crisis by throwing a (mere) couple hundred million dollars (out of the billions in ARRA funds being churned into asphalt) at the waterfront. No: I am instead determined to ease into the holidays on a positive note.

As you read this column, I will already be on my way to an undisclosed Midwest location via nine (+) very special hours spent primarily on the federal government’s crumbling Interstate Highway System. This is a trip where – at some point in West Virginia, I think – you lose NPR for as much as 90 minutes. Pure Hell. And - if Secretary LaHood is listening - we sure could use some ARRA funds on that 50 mile stretch of I-77 highway just south of the Pro Football Hall of Fame (Canton, OH), where the ride is reminiscent of a buckboard wagon train on the Oregon Trail. For goodness sake; I just had my (American built) Honda Pilot aligned and brake pads renewed. Have some mercy!

Yes, armed with the children’s handheld gaming devices, some sort of iPod music thing, a portable DVD player and my laptop (which my son begs to plug into the Blackberry so he can be on line as we toddle along), we’ll brave the uncertain weather and throngs of other drivers who also probably can’t afford airfare for four, along with $275 in baggage and “premium seat” fees. I am, quite frankly, surprised that there is room for anything else in the car. I just can’t wait to get started.

Thanksgiving at the in-laws has its ups and downs. Although I have absolutely no responsibilities whatsoever once safely guiding the family via GPS into their driveway, I also have to keep my opinions in check for four days as we navigate the awkward silences, occasional temper flare-ups and those time-honored, treasured family “outings.” And, as you well know, I have a little trouble minding my own business. Adult beverages may be a key factor in my survival plan. This has the added benefit of giving the in-laws something to do, as every “unit” that “Uncle Joe” consumes is carefully noted, recorded and then reported to the appropriate authorities. Four years ago, we arrived for Christmas and (I am not making this up) they did not have a wine opener in the house. Eventually, and at great personal risk, I located one at an all-night gas station’s convenience store.

Nevertheless (and I’m just kidding about all of that in the previous two paragraphs –really!), I am looking forward to a few days off to recharge my batteries and then hit the ground running in December. There is a great deal going on in the maritime world right now, augmented nicely by every indication that an economic recovery – however slow and measured – is finally underway. For a magazine editor, that makes for an exciting end to the year (and, if I do say so myself, we have a terrific print edition going out the door right now) and a smorgasbord of compelling topics to write about in the New Year. For those of you heading for Workboat in New Orleans next week, I will see you there. We’ll be at booth number 433 – stop by and we’ll talk “shop.”

Before looking ahead to what will be a much better 2010 (you heard it here first), I did want to wish each and every one of our MarEx readers, subscribers and yes – the advertisers, too – a happy Thanksgiving weekend. It truly is my favorite holiday of the year. And, with that, it is time to go. We’re off to the heartland to create some unforgettable family memories with my brother-in-law. Wherever you are going and spending time with this weekend, please do so safely and with good cheer. The best is yet to come. –MarEx

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Joseph Keefe is the Editor in Chief of THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE. He can be reached with comments on this editorial at [email protected]. Join the Maritime Executive ‘Linked In’ group at by clicking http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/47685>