
Mailbag July 6, 2010

Published Dec 22, 2010 10:14 AM by The Maritime Executive

MarEx Readers Respond to Senator McCain LEAVES Washington Mr. Munoz, The largest oil spill in history cannot be properly cleaned up because of the Jones Act. In fact, if the foreign ships, oil spill cleanup vessels, skimmers etc were allowed in to assist, the gulf would not be facing the cataclysmic proportions of disaster that exist NOW. NRC (National Response Corporation) called us for equipment to assist in the spill but we were later told that it “was not in their budget this year”. It is the stupid bureaucrats on the democratic side that would rather give the Islamic terrorists from Somalia free health care than to save our gulf. How about making all of those illegal aliens that the Dems want to stay here so badly - grab a bucket and shovel and get to work cleaning up our shores? Then maybe we would not be so upset over paying for their child care and health care. Why haven’t these vessels and countries that have offered to help been allowed in to assist? Scandinavia has been prepared for years for this type of disaster in the North Sea but we tell them NO stay away because the unions in America will get angry? The idiots in Washington and the White house need to listen to McCain and they need to repeal the Jones act immediately. How about being concerned for all of America and its children and grandchildren instead of the unions that have destroyed Americas productive dominance in the world. The residents of the gulf are watching their livelihoods vaporize because no one in Washington is doing a thing for them. Who controls Washington right now? What has the president done. Answer-Democrats and nothing. If a gay illegal alien owned that oil rig you guys would have been all over it to help them. Sincerely, Doug Weidner Dear Mr. Weidner: I hope you are not blaming the Jones Act for the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? It was BP’s doing from the start and they own this entire mess—all companies handling hydrocarbons in the US must have an emergency response plan filed with the federal government. While they did file a plan, there was nothing in it about managing an oil spill at that depth. Once the fire was out and the oil began spilling into the water, BP told Washington the situation under control and it had plans to cap it, then junk shot it and so on. Additionally, BP misinformed the press, regulators, local community leaders, and the American people about the amount of barrels of crude being released into the gulf. Here is BPs GOM Spill Response plan, which clearly states there is no need for an emergency response plan because there would never be a spill over 4600 barrels. http://www.maritime-executive.com/article/deepwater-horizon-update-june-29-2010/ The US government does not have the physical assets or the technology to respond to oil spills; it’s the private sector that drills and files response plans as to its capabilities. Meanwhile, MSRC, National Spill Response, the O’Brien’s Group have the expertise, and they drill and drill their responders to react to these emergencies. Furthermore, there are a lot of vessels in the gulf owned by the US offshore support industry that has managed the two-million feet of boom that BP deployed to the GOM from the beginning. Today, what has become evident to everyone is that there is a gaping hole on the ocean floor that nobody seems to knows how to close. Not BP, the President, or the emergency responders have a clue how to plug the hole and put an end to this environmental nightmare. Furthermore, human activity in search of oil may have KILLED the Gulf of Mexico forever. Scientists are hanging their collective heads and wondering if this is not the ‘Mother of All Spills.’ Meanwhile, the government and the offshore industries, including the oil companies are clashing over the six month moratorium on drilling, because people are out of work. This is a “catch 22” of monumental portions. So sir, to point the finger of blame at the Jones Act operators because the government didn’t open the GOM to foreign responders fast enough is disingenuous to say the least. And, as far as the President is concerned, for the last two years the Tea Baggers and the Right have been screaming about his interference and subsequent bail out of the banks and Wall Street, the Auto Industry, and health care. So, for them to have the gall to say that he is fiddling and doing nothing while the Gulf of Mexico is burning and filling with crude is ridiculous. You cannot have it both ways!! US cabotage is NOT about the Unions; it’s about National Security and ensuring the country has a strong US Merchant Marine to support the global agenda of the US Military. I am not an isolationist, but I am an American whose country is involved with two foreign wars and whose country was attacked on September 11, 2001. If that is not reason enough to maintain the Jones Act, than you and I are digging two different lines of communication. But, I respect your right to have your opinion. Kind regards, Tony Munoz ****** Senator Mc Cain; Today I am angry. I have been one of your strongest supporters in ALL your campaigns, both financially and in service. I was instrumental in your "Veterans for McCain" organization in 2004 and 2008. You have let me down. Last week you betrayed the entire US Merchant Marine when you introduced legislation to repeal the Jones Act. Either you are sadly misinformed, or you have sold out to special interests. The Jones Act has absolutely no impact on the BP Gulf oil crisis. Only the lowest of politicians would introduce "knee jerk" reaction legislation on the coat tails of a disaster. There are adequate provisions in the Jones Act for any waivers necessary to allow foreign tonnage to assist in the cleanup on a case by case basis. You propose to wreck the whole United States Merchant marine in one single act. I happen to both be a US Merchant Marine veteran and a US Navy veteran in both Viet Nam and in the Gulf Crisis (The other Gulf), and while I never had to make the terrible sacrifice that you have made, I stood ready to do whatever my country has asked of me. The US Merchant Marine's proud record in Peace and War is unquestionable. We have especially been there for Navy men such as yourself who have depended on our service and dedication in times of great danger and fear. We ALWAYS get the materiel through to you in the Armed Services. How sir, would you like it, if some fellow US Senator introduced legislation to destroy the US Navy? I certainly would never accuse you of being a traitor, but if anyone other than you introduced this legislation, I would have no hesitation in calling them one. Captain William H. Doherty US Navy Reserve Retired US Merchant Marine proudly retired. Captain Doherty, I agree completely, and special interest have pursuaded McCain to abandon the USMM. It is a sad commentary at the end of such a great career. Regards, Tony Munoz The following are other comments of praised to the article. Tony, rarely have I read such a well argued case. Keep up the good work. Howard Jess (and I'm not even American!) ****** Tony: A great Op/Ed piece in todays Maritime Executive. Congratulations for (as Howard Cosell would say) "Telling it Like it is." Regards, Tim Brown ****** Tony Good for u! My guess is that if the maritime industry can blow this bill away, the Jones Act will be stronger than before! We (U.S. maritime industry) must unite (that will be a miracle) and defeat this nonsense. Thanks again for a great article Mark Yonge ****** Good talking with you Tony, and again congratulations on your editorial on McCain and the Jones Act. I never did like McCain, and now I dislike him even more! I strongly support the need for maintaining our US merchant marine, and expanding our coastal maritime activities, as we are trying to do in California, not only from the sea-port of Oakland to our inland ports, but also along the California Coast. Recently, NASSCO has even gotten into the act by proposing to build a fleet of coastal vessels, as a means of maintaining its shipbuilding activity. I enjoy your e-mail communications and read them daily! Wes Starratt PE ****** Tony I am speechless, what a great article. Give yourself a hug as I am going to forward you article to everyone I know. Republicans and Democrats alike. Keep up the great work. Clark E. Dodge ********** MarEx reader responds to: The Federalization of Energy Tony Lets hope the leak is closed soon. It is felt here that the environmental disaster would be less severe when BP had brought in ships and material from Dutch and other international clean up and large dredging companies straight away. I don't think the accident will stop the ongoing offshore developments. However it will tighten safety and ecological rules and regulations which will make oil more expensive. Best regards Hans Hans, The US has a strong emergency response mechanism, which has been developed since the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. It has been in place and has responded to numerous spills in the Western Hemisphere, but the BP spill is beyond comprehension. Foreign response vessels are in the Gulf now and let’s hope that BP can cap the well sooner than later, Tony