

Published Dec 29, 2010 12:51 PM by The Maritime Executive


ROVs have located the Deepwater Horizon at about 1,300 feet above the wellhead. While, the rig will be brought up at some time for analysis, the first priority is to work below the surfaces and secure the wellhead in the Mississippi Canyon Block 252, known as “Macondo/MC252,” which is an exploration well. The ROVs also have a visual on the wellhead itself and it is presently being monitored. The 5,000 foot riser as well as a drilling tube continues to leak about 1,000 barrels per day. As the riser fell, it twisted and developed kinks, (like kinks in a straw), and that seems to be what is holding back the crude. The ROVs are also trying to engage a “blowout preventer” as well.

The command told MarEx that the drilling rig, Developer Driller III, will be moved into position to drill a second well to intercept the Macondo well by injecting a specialized fluid to securely prevent the flow of oil or gas and this work will permanently seal the well.

According to Ron Rybarczyk of the Joint Information Center (BP, Transocean, and the US Coast Guard), 97% of the oil on the water is sheen and there is not much depth of crude in the water. A fleet of skimmers are working the sheen as planes continue to drop dispersants. Rybarczyk told the MarEx emergency responders currently have about one-third of the world’s dispersants on hand. And, dispersant manufacturers have been getting prepared to produce more if needed.

• Today, more than 100,000 gallons of dispersant are ready to be deployed (1/3 of world’s available dispersants).
• 32 spill response vessels are in theater (skimmers, tugs, barges, recovery vessels)
• 5 aircraft (helicopters and fixed wing) for dispersants.

MSRC is the primary responder on scene and the company lead by Steve Benz, president and CEO. The company, which is the largest emergency spill response company is the US, is coordinating massive resources on land and sea.

Currently, Houma, Louisiana in where the field operations are being coordinated, and about 500 emergency response personnel have been deployed. There are more personnel in Houston and New Orleans that have also been mobilized.

US Coast Guard called off searching for survivors after flying 28 sorties and covering more than 5,000 miles.

On scene are US Coast Guard, Minerals Management Services (MMS), Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, NOAA, and the US Fish and Game.

Missing Workers Story:

Gordon & Ellis Lawsuit:

AP Writer Story by Noaki Schwartz –Karl Kleppinger, rig worker for Transocean