
NAMEPA Launches Marine Debris Poster at CMAs Shipping 2009

Published Jan 18, 2011 1:49 PM by The Maritime Executive

Wide distribution encouraged.

STAMFORD, CT—March 23rd At the Connecticut Maritime Association’s Shipping 2009 conference, the North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) launched today its Marine Debris poster bearing a headline: “Do You Know Where Your Litter Is? Right Where You Left It” Through NAMEPA’s strategic alliance with port chaplains, the posters will be given to seafarers during ship visits, and be available at seafarer’s centers. It will also be available to the maritime community for their own distribution to the wider public. This program is part of NAMEPA’s education efforts to “Save our Seas”.

“In its continuing efforts to “Save our Seas”, NAMEPA has developed this poster to remind all of us that our litter should be carefully placed in the appropriate place so that it doesn’t end up fouling our oceans, rivers and lakes,” explained NAMEPA’s Founding Chairman Clay Maitland. “We cannot take our marine environment for granted, nor treat it carelessly.”

“NAMEPA is committed to education of our seafarers, port communities and children,” remarked NAMEPA Board Member and Program Chairman Blaine Collins of Det Norske Veritas. “We are urging people to make copies of the poster and put it in prominent areas of their homes, work, schools and community centers to inform and remind people of the importance of treating litter responsibly. Companies and organizations should feel free to add their logo to the poster and send it throughout their organizations and to colleagues as a part of their contribution to protecting the marine environment.”

The poster depicts everyday items littered on a beach with their estimated timelines for decomposition. Port chaplains, who are members of the North American Maritime Ministry Association (NAMMA) and the Apostleship of the Sea, will be distributing the posters shortly.

The North American Marine Environment Protection Association was officially launched at the World Maritime Day Observance in New York in 2007. In keeping with the mission of MEPAs worldwide, its overall aim is to increase environmental awareness and motivation of the human element within shipping and land-based industries that have a vested interest in preservation of the marine environment. More specifically, NAMEPA has the goal of educating seafarers and the wider public and school communities about the critical importance of the world’s oceans to mankind. Through its strategic alliances with port chaplains, and industry and marine interests, NAMEPA reaches seafarers and port communities in most ports in North America. Additionally, through its alliances, NAMEPA will connect with over 5 million children with the message of protecting the marine environment.

NAMEPA is an industry led initiative to “Save the Seas”, and welcomes members who share this mission. For more information, go to www.namepa.net.