
Great Lakes Shipyard Launches First Tug of Seacor's Aura Class

Published Apr 1, 2013 10:52 AM by The Maritime Executive

Great Lakes Shipyard continues to make progress on the construction of two tugboats for SEACOR Holdings, Inc.’s new Aura Class.  Hull 9201 was the first of the tugs to be launched using the Shipyard’s 770-ton Travelift.  The tugs will undergo various testing over the upcoming weeks. 

Great Lakes Shipyard was awarded contracts by Caribbean Tugz, LLC, an affiliate of SEACOR Holdings, Inc., to simultaneously build the new state-of-the-art 50-ton bollard pull tugboats.  Designed by Jensen Maritime Consultant, Inc., Seattle, Washington, the new tugs are built to the highest standards of the American Bureau of Shipping, the U.S. vessel classification society.

Tugs AURA and ATLAS are to be completed May 2013.

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