
Spire Announces Data Contract with European Maritime Safety Agency


Published Feb 18, 2021 2:30 PM by The Maritime Executive

Spire Global, one of the world’s largest space-powered data and analytics companies, announced today that it will be working with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to provide global AIS data to support the Agency via it’s EU Member States. Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a global standard for ship-to-shore, and shore-to-ship communications and contributes to collision avoidance, search and rescue operations, and maritime domain awareness through vessel tracking.

The new SAT- AIS data feed is expected to complement the current SAT-AIS stream by also improving the global coverage of ships including waterways close to north and south poles. An additional SAT-AIS data stream will improve EMSA’s SAT-AIS data service it offers in terms of resolution of SAT-AIS data, and detection rate of AIS messages.

“We are pleased to have been selected by EMSA for this mandate and to be providing satellite-AIS services to this vital maritime organization,” said Simon van den Dries, General Manager of Spire Maritime “We believe that Spire’s high reliability and quality of its data gathered by its fast growing satellite constellation – differentiates us in the industry and will help support EMSA’s vision and maritime strategy within the EU.”

EMSA’s mission is to serve EU maritime interests for a safe, secure, green and competitive maritime sector and act as a reliable and respected point of reference in the maritime sector in Europe and worldwide. By partnering with Spire, EMSA will have better awareness of what, when and where vessels are around the world.

EMSA has implemented a new Framework Contract with Spire Global. The new satellite AIS (SAT-AIS) feed will serve as a backup solution for the current EMSA SAT-AIS data services EMSA offers through its Integrated Maritime Services (IMS). IMS are offered to all EU and European Free Trade Agreement Member States. Member States can make full use of a range of integrated vessel reporting information from terrestrial and satellite AIS, Long-range identification and tracking (LRIT), Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), as well as national vessel position data such as coastal radar, patrol assets, and leisure craft.

As of January 2021, Spire Global has over 100 satellites on orbit that are collecting hundreds of million messages per day. Spire will continue to provide more data and insights to enable the digital transformation of organizations towards data-driven opportunities in the maritime industry.

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.